Guidelines for Submissions


Paper be typed

MS Word


Times New Roman

Font size

16pt. and Bold for Title of the Paper, 14pt and Bold for heading in the paper, 12pt. for text.

Line spacing



1.5-inch on all four sides


Use two column layout for body- starting from introduction till references (Exclude title and abstract) with margins justified.



Cover page

It should contain title of the paper, followed by name(s) of author(s), designation, affiliation, State, Country, e-mail, Orchid ID, phone, fax with STD code and Postal Address. Authors should not write their name and affiliations anywhere else in the paper.

The title page

It should contain title of the paper, followed by name(s) of author(s), designation, affiliation, State, Country, e-mail, Orchid ID. Authors should not write their name and affiliations anywhere else in the paper. Title should not be more than 6-8 words.


Should contain in brief – Objectives, Research Questions / Hypothesis, Methodology, Main Findings and 5-6 Keywords, Word Limit: 250-300 words, 14pt and Bold for heading in the paper, 12pt. for text and in italics.

Format of Paper

Introduction, Literature review, Research Gap/ Conceptual Model, Methods and Materials(Research Questions ,Objectives, Hypothesis,…), Analysis and Interpretation, Conclusions and Discussion , Limitations and future scope of study, References, Annexures, Acknowledgement

Tables, graphs, and charts etc.

In the text, the references for table should be mentioned as Table-1 and so on, not as above table. Same should be followed in case of graphs and charts. Each table, graph and chart should have its own heading and source. 10 pt. for text in the table.

Full length paper

Not to exceed 5000 words


APA format.


Tables, Charts, Graphs, Quotations, Equations, and Articles should be numbered, cited and referenced properly.

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