As the name suggests, this is a competition platform to help Management students from Institutes across Mumbai to participate and present their views, talents and skills in addressing various Management Challenges.

   Success TryAngles invites teams from your institute to enroll and participate in this competition. Each institute will have the opportunity to em-panel 6 teams of 4 members each whereby each team will be allotted aspecific topic for presentation. We urge the Institute Management toappoint a Faculty Mentor.

   Kindly find attached a brief presentation on the WFC program. Please takenote of the annexed rules of participation and the deadline for confirmations is 20th January 2017, 1700 hrs.

   About – Success TryAngles is an initiative to experiment with the concept of management education by challenging its present form of dissemination to the students. It is an attempt to take the management learning process to the marketplace from the classroom. To replace complex learning methods by simple intuitive and organic neuro processes.